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Professional CUDA C Programming.pdf-iteye
来自 : www.iteye.com/resource/wpeng11 发布时间:2021-03-25
Copyright o 2014 by John Wilcy Sons, Inc, Indianapolis, IndianaPublished simultaneously in CanadaISBN:978-1-118-739327ISBN:978-1-118-73927-3ebkISBN:978-1-118-73931-0(ebk)Manufactured in the united states of america10987654321no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorizationthrough payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance center, 222 Rosewood Drive, DanversMA O1923,(978)750-8400, fax(978)646-8600 Rcqucsts to thc Publisher for permission should bc addressed to thePermissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc, Ill River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030,(201)748-601l, fax(201)748-6008,oronlineathttp://www.wiley.com/go/permissionsLimit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties withrespect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, includingwithout limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. 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If this book refers to media suchasaCdordvdthatisnotincludedintheversionyoupurchasedyoumaydownloadthismaterialathttp://support.wiley.comFormoreinformationaboutWileyproductsvisitwww.wiley.comLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2014937184Trademarks: Wiley, Wrox, the Wrox logo, Programmer to Programmer, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not beused without written permission CUDA is a registered trademark of nvidIA Corporation all other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners. John Wiley Sons, Inc, is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned inthis bookffirs indd 08/07/2014 Pagc iiCREDITSACQUISITIONS EDITORBUSINESS MANAGERAmy kniesPROJECT EDITORVICE PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE GROUPMartin v. minnerPUBLISHERRichard WadleyTECHNICAL EDITORSWei ZhangASSOCIATE PUBLISHERChao ZhPRODUCTION MANAGERPROJECT COORDINATOR COVERKathleen wisorPatrick redmondCOPY EDITORPROOFREADERKatherine burtCarrascoMANAGER OF CONTENT DEVELOPMENT AND INDEXERASSEMBLYJohnna∨ anHoose dinseMary Beth WakefieldCOVER DESIGNERDIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY MARKETINGWileyDavid MayhewCOVER IMAGEMARKETING MANAGERC iStock. com/fatioCarrie sherrillffirs indd 08/07/2014 pffirs indd 08/07/2014 Pagc ivABOUT THE AUTHORSJOHN(RUNWEI)CHENG is a research scientist with extensive industry experiencein high-performance computing on heterogeneous computing platforms. Beforejoining the oil and gas industry, John worked in the finance industry for more thanten years as an expert in computational intelligence, providing advanced solutionsbased on genetic algorithms hybridized with data mining and statistical learning tosolve real world business challenges. as an internationally recognized researcher inthe field of genetic algorithms and their application to industrial engineering, John has co-authoredthree books. John\'s first book, Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design, published by johnWiley and Sons in 1997, is still used as a textbook in universities worldwide. John has a wide rangeof experience in both academic research and industry development, and is gifted in making complexsubjects accessible to readers with a concise, illustrative, and edifying approach. John earned hisdoctoral dcgrcc in computational intclligcncc from the Tokyo Institutc of TcchnologyMAX GROSSMAN has been working as a developer with various GPU programmingmodels for nearly a decade. His experience is focused in developing novel gpu programming models and implementing scientific algorithms on GPU hardware. Maxhas applied gPus to a wide range of domains, including geoscience, plasma physICS, medical imaging, and machine learning, and enjoys understanding the compu-tational patterns of new domains and finding new and unusual ways to apply GPUsto them. Lessons learned from these domains help to guide max\'s work in programming models andframeworks. Max earned his degree in computer science from Rice University with a focus in paral-computinTY MCKERCHER is a Principal Solution Architect with NVIDIA, leading a tcamthat specializes in visual computing systems architecture across multiple industriesI le often serves as a liaison between customer and product engineering teams dur-ing emerging technology evaluations. He has been engaged in CUDA-based projectssince he participated in the first Cuda kitchen training session held at NVIDIaheadquarters in 2006. Since then, Ty has helped architect GPU-based supercomputing environments at some of the largest and most demanding production datacenters in the worldTy earned his mathematics degree with emphasis in geophysics and computer science from theColorado school of minesffirs indd 08/07/2014 Page vABOUT THE TECHNICAL EDITORSWEI ZHANG is a scientific programmer and has been working in the high-performance computingarea for 15 years. He has developed or co-developed many scientific software packages for molecular simulation, computer-aided drug design, EM structure reconstruction, and seismic depth imaging. He is now focusing his effort on improving the performance of seismic data processing usingnew technologies such aS CUDACHAO ZHAO joined Chevron in 2008 and currently serves as Geophysical Application SoftwareDevelopment specialist In this role, chao is responsible for designing and developing softwareproducts for geoscientists. Prior to joining Chevron, Chao was a software developer for KnowledgeSystems Inc and Seismic Micro Technology Inc. With more than 13 years of software developingexperience in the exploration and production industry, Chao has gained rich knowledge in the fieldsof gcology and geophysics. Having a broad cducation in scicncc, Chao likes to scc CUDA programming used widely in scientific research and enjoys contributing to it as much as he can. He holds aBachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Peking University and a Master of Science in computerscience from the University of rhode islandffirs indd 08/07/2014 Pagc viACKNOWLEDGMENTSIT WOULD BE HARD TO IMAGINE this project making it to the finish line without the suggestionconstructive criticisms, help, and resources of our colleagues and friendsWe would like to express our thanks to NVidia for granting access to many gtC conference presentations and Cuda technical documents that add both great value and authority to this bookIn particular, we owe much gratitude to Dr Paulius micikevicius and Dr Peng Wang, DeveloperTechnology Engineers at NVIDIA, for their kind advice and help during the writing of this bookSpecial thanks to mark ebersole, NviDia Chief cuda educator, for his guidance and feedbackduring the review processWe would like to thank mr. Will Ramey, Sr Product Manager at NVIDIA, and Mr NadeemMohammad, Product Marketing at NVIDIA, for their support and encouragement during the entireprojectWe would like to thank Mr Paul Holzhauer, Director of Oil Gas at NVIDIA, for his supportduring the initial phase of this projectspecially, we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to many presenters and speakers in past gtC conferences for their inspiring and creative work on gpu computing technologies We have recorded allyour credits in our suggested reading listsAfter years of work using GPUs in real production projects, John is very grateful to the people whohelped him become a gPu computing enthusiast. Especially, John would like to thank Dr NanxunDai and Dr Bao Zhao for their encouragement, support, and guidance on seismic imaging projectsat bgP. John also would like to thank his colleagues Dr Zhengzhen Zhou, Dr. Wei Zhang, mrsGrace Zhang, and Mr. Kai Yang. They arc truly brilliant and very pleasant to work with John lovesthe team and feels very privileged to be one of them. John would like to extend a special thanks toDr. Mitsuo Gen, an internationally well-known professor, the supervisor of John\'s doctoral program, for giving John the opportunity to teach at universities in Japan and co-author academicbooks, especially for his fully supporting John during the years when John was running a startupbased on evolutionary computation technologies in Tokyo. John is very happy working on this project with Ty and Max as a team and learned a lot from them during the process of book writingJohn owes a debt of gratitude to his wife, Joly, and his son, Rick, for their love, support, and considerable patience during evenings and weekends over the past year while dad was yet again doing hisown book work.”For over 25 years, Ty has been helping software developers solve HPC grand challenges. Ty isdelighted to work at NVidia to help clients extend their current knowledge to unlock the potential from massively parallel gPUs. There are so many Nvidians to thank, but Ty would like tospecifically recognize Dr. Paulius Micikevicius for his gifted insights and strong desire to alwaysimprove while doing the heavy lifting for numerous projects. When John asked Ty to help shareffirs indd 08/07/2014 Page viACKNOWLEDGMENTSCUDa knowledge in a book project, he welcomed the challenge. dave Jones, NVIDIA, senior director approved Ty\'s participation in this projcct, and sadly last ycar Davc lost his courageous battleagainst cancer. Our hearts go out to Dave and his family- his memory serves to inspire, to presson, and to pursue your passions. The encouragements from Shanker Trivedi and Marc Hamiltonhave been especially helpful. Yearning to maintain his life/work balance, Ty recruited Max to jointhis project. It was truly a pleasure to learn from John and Max as they developed the book contentthat Ty helped review. Finally, Ty\'s wife, Judy, and his four children deserve recognition for theirunconditional support and love- it is a blessing to receive encouragement and motivation whilepursuing those things that bring joy to your lifeMax has been fortunate to collaborate with and be guided by a number of brilliant and talentedcnginccrs, rcscarchcrs, and mentors. First, thanks have to go to Professor Vivck Sarkar and thewhole habanero research group at rice University. There, Max got his first taste of hPc andCUDA. The mentorship of Vivek and others in the group was invaluable in enabling him to explorethe lessons this experience has provided in CUDA, writing, and lif ng ade sneer v Gladysthe exciting world of research. Max would also like to thank mauricio Araya-Polo and gladysGonzalez at repsol. The experience gained under their mentorship was incrediblyable in writing a book that would be truly useful to real-world work in science and erg. Finally, Maxwould like to thank John and Ty for inviting him along on this writilnture in CUDA and forIt would not be possible to make a quality professional book without input from technical editorsdevelopment editors, and reviewers. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Mary eJames, our acquisitions editor; Martin V Minner, our project editor; Katherine burt, our copy edi-tor; and Wei Zhang and chao zhao, our technical editors. You are an insightful and professionaleditorial team and this book would not be what it is without you. It was a great pleasure to workwith you on this project.ffirs indd 08/07/2014 Pagc viii ...展开详情

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)